Monday, November 23, 2015

Natural Disaster Emergency Preparedness

The motto of the Boy Scout’s Of America is “Be Prepared”. All of us as Americans should be prepared for whatever happens locally and nationally as we may all be affected by such situations.
Having an Emergency Preparedness Action Plan in place for your family is of the utmost importance! Be prepared for ANYTHING Read on!!!

Natural Disasters Happen Naturally!

What kind of disasters can occur in your geographic area? Floods? Earthquakes? Tornado’s? A tsunami? It is a good idea to find out as part of your Natural Disaster Emergency Plan!

Contact places like the American Red Cross or even your local/state emergency management agency to find out. Ask these agencies for printed materials that you can review. According to the American Red Cross it is advisable to learn about any warning systems/signals in your area.

The Red Cross also suggests that you learn where any and all evacuation stations may be and about how to help the elderly and animals as well. Also the Red Cross advises to learn about any and all Emergency/Disaster Plans at your workplace and at your childrens schools or day care centers. All of this is necessary to having a proper Disaster Preparedness Plan!

Make A Plan To Be Prepared In Case Of A Disaster

We live in a time when it has become increasingly necessary to sit down with your family and hammer out an Emergency Disaster Plan.

Make sure that all members of the family understand the consequences of Fires, Earthquakes, Floods And Tornado’s. Everyone in the family has responsibilities in a Disaster Preparedness Plan. Delegate those responsibilities accordingly. Disaster Preparedness Is A Team Sport, make sure all family members are on the same team! Put things into perspective and have certain things in place.

1. Where to meet in case of an Emergency/Disaster?
2. Everyone should have a cell phone just in case of an Emergency!
3. Talk to a friend or neighbor and make plans to have them as alternates for shelter!
4. Make sure that you know someone as an alternate contact!
5. Make plans in case of evacuation and make plans for pets!

Make A Natural Disaster Emergency Checklist Of Things To Do

According to the American Red Cross a family should create a checklist of items and duties to be performed so that in case of an Natural Disaster or Emergency the family as a whole will be prepared.
Some of these things may include:
  1. Post Emergency Telephone Numbers By Phones (fire, police, ambulance, etc.)
  2. Have phone numbers for 9-1-1 or your local Emergency Medical Services.
  3. Show each family member how and when to turn off the water, gas and electricity main and switches.
  4. Check if you have adequate insurance coverage.
  5. Teach each family member how to use the fire extinguisher and show them where it is kept.
  6. Install smoke alarms on each level of your home, especially near bedrooms.
  7. Conduct a home hazard hunt.
  8. Stock Emergency Supplies And Assemble A Disaster Supplies Kit.
  9. Take a Red Cross first aid and CPR class.
  10. Determine the best escape routes from your home. Find two ways out of each room.
  11. Find the safe places in your home for each type of Disaster.

Natural Disasters And You: Are You Prepared For A Disaster?

Natural disasters happen all over the world, and yes in the United States Of America as well. Do you know what you would do in a scenario such as the one’s depicted here?

Have a plan of action and be prepared! Being prepared for an emergency or disaster is one of the most important investments that you will ever make, as it is an investment in life!

Things You Need To Remember To Do/Have To Be Prepared For An Emergency

  • 1. Always remember to keep your Emergency Disaster Kit in a place where everyone in your household knows where it is.
  • 2. Dont forget that in case of an evacuation because of a Natural Disasterto have an Emergency Disaster Kit in the trunk.
  • 3. Keep all sterile type items in ziplock bags and dont forget that those ziplock bags can be used for other things later on down the road.
  • 4. At least once a year it might be a good thing to revisit your Emergency Disaster Plan And Supplies to see if any changes are necessary.
  • 5. Don’t forget to do things like change the clothes in your kit/kits as we do get bigger as time goes on you know!
  • 6. If you use items that take batteries check the batteries at least once or twice a year unless using items that have a crank for power.
  • 7. A good course of action is to have an All Band Emergency Radio.
  • 8. If anyone in the family unit has a medical condition don’t forget to talk to your family doctor about having extra edication stored for Emergency Situations!

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